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EmoTrance Article

How Healing "The Spirit"

Makes You Happy - AND Healthy

by Silvia Hartmann

Have you ever wondered what "spiritual healing" means, and what it entails?

How it could possibly work to create changes in a person's health, in their real lives, in rock hard, scientifically measurable reality?

Wonder no more.

It is really quite simple if we understand a few basic principles of how a human being really works.

Invisible Healing?

"Spiritual" healing is "invisible" healing.

Something invisible is healing something which is, likewise, invisible.

What is being healed is the ENERGY SYSTEMS of a human being.

Now, there are many different kinds of energy systems, not just the meridian system; you could think of the meridian system as being the equivalent to the circulatory system in the physical body. It is important, but by no means the end of the story.

The human energy system has organs, it has the aforementioned circulatory system, it has the equivalent of a neurology (the astral systems or psychic circuitry) and all of that is invisible.

Better still, the human energy "body" has also energy hands - this is what is actually being used in "hands on healing" - and an energy mind (often called "the unconscious mind").

The human energy body has nutritional requirements, and a complete energetic digestive system.

All of that comes by right of birth with any human totality.

Manifestation Through The Levels

It has long been known that disturbances and injuries in the energy body will cause PHYSICAL disease manifestations in the physical body.

It starts at the invisible levels and spreads out into the physical.

Unfortunately, people who turn to spiritual healing as a totally last resort and when any physical disease is already in the very last and advanced stages of manifestation, are often disappointed that there is no immediate recession in symptoms and conclude that "spiritual" healing doesn't work; but that is grossly unfair, and also a gross misunderstanding of how the systems of the human totality are working.

Spiritual healing needs to be undertaken when the ENERGY SYSTEM cries out for help in pain; when the PHYSICAL BODY is already involved, we are way, way past the mark where a small amount of spiritual healing would have ENTIRELY PREVENTED the physical symptoms in the first place.

So HOW can we know that there is something wrong with the energy body BEFORE things have become so bad that physical illness has resulted?

The Amazing Discovery - WHY Human Beings Have Emotions!

To put it simply, emotions, i.e. physical sensations that do NOT have a physical explanation (such as a pressure in the chest when someone is sad, but there is NO BOOT STANDING ON THE CHEST or any visible or measurable reason for that "feeling" at all), are DIRECTLY CAUSED BY THE ENERGY SYSTEMS.

Human emotions are FEEDBACK DEVICES to let us know how our energy body is working.

If we "feel" happy, good, lively, connected, positive, proactive and full of the joys of spring, that means that our energy systems are running well.

If we "feel" sad, angry, depressed, tearful, miserable, that means that there is something in our energy system that is NOT working as it should.

Human feelings or emotions have been totally misunderstood and misrepresented throughout the history of humankind.

They are the most important warning symptoms we have to let us know when something is awry with our systems.

To repress or disconnect emotions is to disconnect a warning system that will PREVENT ill health from ever manifesting in the first place.

Healing The CAUSES For Emotional Pain

Emotions are a feedback mechanism to tell us when there is something wrong in the energy system.

Thereby, emotions are not treatable per se; they will stop the moment the UNDERLYING INJURY in the energy system has been successfully repaired.

We therefore do not ever seek to STOP having emotions, but to seek to heal THAT which CAUSED THEM.

As the injury resides in the ENERGY SYSTEM, it logically can NOT be repaired by PHYSICAL means.

This is why we need to turn to ENERGY healing (or "spiritual" healing) for ALL emotional problems.

This is not difficult, because we have:

1. A physical response IN THE BODY (the emotion) which tells us where the injury in the energy system is located;

2. Energy hands which can and will heal these injuries when they are guided by our INTENTION TO HEAL;

3. Energy minds which can translate our INTENTION TO HEAL into DIRECT HEALING ACTION via the energy hands;

4. A further physical response IN THE BODY (the new emotions, often of joy, relief, deliverance, peace) which tells us when the injury has been successfully healed.

True Healing From The Ground Up With EmoTrance

EmoTrance Energy Healing is EXACTLY that - ENERGY HEALING for the ENERGY BODY.

Emotions are our guideline, just as physical pain would be the guideline for the physician, and we direct our INTENTION TO HEAL absolutely and ONLY on the energy body - which is what is entirely RESPONSIVE to being healed that way.

The IMMEDIATE relief in emotional states of being tells us when the healing of the ENERGY SYSTEMS has been accomplished; the feelings of well being and increased energy, happiness, peace etc. provide the most favourable GROUND CONDITIONS for any recovery of PHYSICAL injuries that have already manifested as well.

But we MUST remember that EmoTrance is NOT designed to heal physical problems.

It works by working on the ENERGY SYSTEMS, and that is where we must place our attention.

On the bright side, this is not only a very practical way of PREVENTING ILL HEALTH in the future, but it is also by far and away the most EMOTIONALLY REWARDING experience of relief, release and that switch into new states of joy, deliverance and happiness available in any healing modality today, exactly because it is so focussed to deliver true healing from the ground up using the right systems to the right systems - a perfect match.

Energy Healing Straight Up - No "Belief" Is Necessary

As we can really FEEL the effects of healing old injuries in the energy system with EmoTrance and IMMEDIATELY so, there is no need for faith, or belief, or trust of any kind.

EmoTrance experienced is the only convincer a person would ever need that we really do have energy bodies, and that our "strange mixed up human emotions" derive DIRECTLY from that energy body.

It is virtually impossible to describe what it is like when an old, entrenched emotional blockage or injury has finally been repaired, after often years and years of emotions "screaming for attention", and feelings flow freely again, smoothly; a person comes to life again, finds hope again, sees and FEELS the beauty of the world around them and has a whole new strength flowing through them.

I HIGHLY encourage anyone at all to visit with a qualified EmoTrance practitioner, to attend an introduction workshop or even try a telephone session to have a taste of this extraordinary experience for themselves.

It really changes EVERYTHING we have ever been told about emotions, what they mean, or how we should be dealing with ourselves in mind, body and spirit.

EmoTrance helps people really make sense, finally, out of why they acted and felt the way they did; it is an ENORMOUS re-builder of shattered self esteem and bringer of strength, and a new found understanding, sympathy, compassion AND TRUST in our bodies, on all levels.

EmoTrance and the world from which it comes is NOT a cure all; rather, it is a doorway to allow any one of us, no matter how old the injuries or how deep, to turn it all around and start in a whole new way, from the ground up, and giving us a chance to have a REAL life, like the Creative Order always wanted for us in the first place.

© Silvia Hartmann 2005

EMO Book by Silvia Hartmann

The definitive textbook on modern energism


EMO Energy In Motion

by Silvia Hartmann

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