Essay on Peace

The Problem With Peace -
Why Peace is NOT The Answer
Silvia Hartmann
Have you heard the expression that if you "shoot for the stars, and you fall
short, you get to go to the moon"?
There is a lot of truth in that.
If you shoot for the moon and you fall short, you burn up in the atmosphere.
And that's what is happening with the human race and their efforts to "find
Peace is NOT the answer.
Peace is NOT a goal.
Peace is a middle point on a scale that has two wings - the negatives on one
side, peace in the middle, and then there's that other wing, the balancing wing
that is missing everywhere from humanities efforts, goals and endeavours.
That wing of glory, joy, love, ecstasy.
So we are stuck in war, hatred, division, poverty, misery and pain.
We shoot for peace - and land in even more war, hatred, division, poverty,
misery and pain if we fall short, it's just a matter of degrees.
- What we need to learn is to shoot for joy and love instead.
That applies across the board to all human endeavours, in every way.
A problem is NOT solved by it ceasing to exist and
"peace" coming into being.
It is ONLY really solved when THE INVERSE OF THE
ONLY then do we really know that that problem is gone, has been solved, and
it won't return.
In EMO, we find that when we heal the energy system correctly, a person
that was in terrible pain (from bereavement, let's say) doesn't just experience
a cessation of pain, or "finds peace". They can move across to that magical wing
on the other side of peace where there is JOY, LOVE, celebration of their own
love and their experiences with the person who died, incredible gratitude, and
true happiness of having known them, feeling blessed and ENLIVENED by having had
this person in their lives.
That is NOT peace, that is an ACTIVE CELEBRATION OF JOY.
Here another example. A husband and wife started a war and hated each other.
Someone helped them "find peace". Now, there's peace in the house. They live
side by side, casting nervous and suspicious glances at each other every so
Let's move it on into the second wing BEYOND peace - let's have them
fall in love, dance together, delight in each other, set each other on FIRE with
Shoot for THAT - and what will you get?
You have a chance of getting MOMENTS of just this joy and happiness, at least
a chance, at least for moments of it.
These are the healing moments that begin to solve the problem of pain and
hatred and division that existed before.
This model is the same for societies, races, ideologies.
Peace is not the answer.
You need to take it much, much further - you really need to shoot for the
stars to make a REAL impact that takes it all beyond peace and really solves the
problem in the long run.
We need to start thinking, planning, EXPANDING beyond "peace".
We need to ask, "What can we do to bring about LOVE, and DELIGHT, and JOY in
this situation?"
Shoot for that, fall short and you got somewhere.
When we're all dead, at least our bodies will really get to know the true
meaning of peace.
But while we are alive, peace is never the answer and most importantly,
And until we start thinking BEYOND peace, NOT EVEN PEACE will be
© Silvia Hartmann 2009