Metaphor Story About Change:

The Egg
by Silvia Hartmann
This is a metaphor for change: evolution is always happening, and there really
is development and forward movement, even when there appears to be none.
I often have this feeling of
stress and desperation because I am quite convinced nothing has changed.
I look around myself and all I see is what I always see.
Same house, same furniture, same pile of bills, same everything.
I work so hard and NOTHING is changing.
Thought that again about something the other day, and this large egg came to my
It just sits there in its nest of straw.
It doesn't DO anything.
It doesn't change shape, it doesn't change colour.
It doesn't pulsate. It doesn't roll around.
You could look at it for DAYS AND DAYS and you'd come away thinking that it was
just that and there was NOTHING GOING ON.
And yet, and if one was to extend one's feelers in a different way, one might
become aware of the RIOT OF CHANGE that is taking place INSIDE the egg, a storm
of re-organisation, feeding and growth, of total unfoldment as a bunch of random
cells become a fish thing, which in turn becomes ever more defined and more
complex, more organised in every way, more mature, more fantastic with every
heartbeat, every breath that passes.
One day, and we know not when, the egg that lay so motionless for so very long
and seemed to be nothing but an inert shape will begin to rock, and then it will
crack, and the newly born dragonet will emerge, spread its wings for the first
time and take its first small steps.
Yes, there was change.
Even if we thought there wasn't.
© Silvia Hartmann 2004