What is Silvia Hartmann's Modern Energy Tapping?
Modern Energy Tapping is an evolution of the meridian points tapping techniques based on the principles of Modern Energy.
In 1999, Silvia Hartmann wrote the first book in the world on Emotional Freedom Techniques, "Adventures In EFT." She also created the first certification programs for Meridian Tapping to allow practitioners to obtain insurance. She continued to evolve the techniques and presented "The Advanced Patterns of EFT" in 2003, at which point she switched her focus to working on EMO Energy In Motion.
In 2011, Silvia Hartmann was asked to write an up to date training program for tapping professionals. She agreed under the condition that it had to acknowledge openly that tapping on meridian points was in fact energy work. She created Energy EFT, which uses the Modern Energy Chart and the SUE Scale (Subjective Units of Experience). In Energy EFT, one could start with a negative Set Up, take it to ZERO, and then switch to the positive Set Ups to get to the +10 Healing Event, which is the goal and purpose of tapping treatments.
It was soon discovered that there was no need for negative tapping; discovering the Positives an individual needed to move straight up the Modern Energy Chart by simply asking, "What do you need to feel better?" shortened treatment times significantly, created an exponentially better experience for both clients and practitioners, and proved far more effective in overcoming problems and experiencing powerful healing events.
"Positive EFT" (Hartmann, 2014) replaced Energy EFT, and at this point, the term "EFT" could no longer be used, as it was stipulated by EFT's creator that "if you tap on Positives, it is not EFT any longer."
Therefore, in 2016, Silvia Hartmann created "Modern Energy Tapping" and also, "Modern Energy Tapping Professional" which are firmly based on using the power of the Positives to create beautiful change and healing, as fast as possible.
Modern Energy Tapping is fast, reliable and highly successful both in self help as well as in therapy/healing work.
Further, Modern Energy Tapping is perfect as a first introduction to the general public as it raises energy fast and provides an often surprising and wonderful experience even for absolute beginners and including children, as it does not rely on any form of talking about emotions or psychotherapy to bring about beneficial changes that are noticeable right away.
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