24 - The Potted Plant
![Potted Plant Illustration For Enchanted World by Silvia Hartmann](images/potted-plant.jpg)
We only have power over that which we love.
This basic principle of the enchanted worlds of energy, namely that we can only
understand, change or control that which we love is in direct conflict with most
everything we have ever learned.
In the old dusty books of the ages, folk keep telling us that we need to destroy
things, fight things, battle things, beat up on things with pain and punishment,
to force things with brutality and to act with extreme prejudice against
everything one hates and despises.
And that is a terrible lie, a cruel lie, a lie which has turned our original
enchanted worlds into a living hell.
In the enchanted world, if you hate a thing, if you reject it, deny it, turn
your back on it or judge it, you CUT YOURSELF OFF from it in an instant.
Then there is no connection any longer, and no matter how much screaming ensues,
nothing happens in response, for there is no pathway through which intent can
travel and all real, meaningful, lasting influence, power and control over the
system has been irretrievably lost.
The only form of power left is physical to beat up on the physicality is the
only option left.
So people say to their bodies with which theyve lost connection and over which
theyve lost control as a direct result, Youre ugly, you are weak, you are
always nagging me with pain and discomfort, you get in between me and god, and
now Ill punish you. You dont deserve to feel anything nice, you dont deserve
decent care or food. FIRST YOU LEARN TO OBEY ME! And IF you do as youre told,
perhaps, just perhaps, Ill reward you if I feel like it ...
If one was to take this approach to a potted plant, the total raving insanity of
such an attitude would become apparent immediately.
There is a little potted plant. It is wilting because its not getting near
enough water. The pot is way too small, the soil long devoid of nutrients and on
top of all of that, its standing in a dark and drafty corner.
Damn you, plant! Look, just LOOK at the STATE of you! You are a disgrace! You
call yourself a plant? Disgusting! All the other plants are three times your
size, you should be ashamed of yourself! You make me SICK! Im gonna teach you,
once and for all. Youre not going to get a single drop of water until you
bloody well learn to grow properly, stand up proud and straight, have decent
green leaves and at least three flowers!
And that, ladies and gentlemen all, is the attitude of humanity to everything.
With that insane, pathological attitude we simply cannot go on any longer.
This attitude make us sick, drives us crazy and turns us into dangerous
criminals to ourselves and all we touch in turn.
We really desperately need to learn, if we want to save ourselves, to think
differently, to act differently, but most importantly, to FEEL differently.
It is nonsensical and absolutely counterproductive to sit down in front of the
mistreated potted plant and to burst into tears of sympathy. Or, like so many do
most practical, to glance at the plant and then to take off in a holy crusade, a
vendetta and lynch party against the gardener, to beat him to death for his
cruelty and neglect, and preferably with his own shovel, at that!
You BASTARD! You psychopath! Im going to teach you to treat that poor plant
like that! How DARE YOU! Now say youre sorry, you miserable excuse for a
gardener, and you better bloody well mean it because if you dont, Im going to
beat you till you bleed!
Let me present an alternative approach the only one which can still help us in
the circumstances.
Let us return to the potted plant and look at it most closely.
When we do that and flow away our own injury responses of rage and compassion
both, we will see that the plant is indeed in a critical condition. Yet, right
at the centre, there is still new growth as the plant struggles to survive, as
it directs what little energy it has left into pure survival and nothing more.
We can observe that it stretched desperately to the left, to make the most of
what little light there was.
This plant is a system made by the creative order, and when one sees what that
is and what it does, one cannot help to admire it, regardless of how unpretty
it may appear to others who dont yet know how to really LOOK at the reality of
We need light. We need warmth. We need water, and we need room to stretch our
roots so we can draw nourishment from the soil.
To obtain these things is nothing more and nothing less than to do exactly that
for which the creator itself designed us in the first place.
Us, you , me, the potted plant, the gardener and all the others who share this
life in the enchanted world.
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