53 - The Wonder Of Things
If indeed behind each and every thing there resides an entire world of energy
dimensions, and if indeed the human consciousness can directly influence these
energy dimension, then we can begin immediately to make some changes to our
There are so many possibilities to start playing with the marvellous talents of
consciousness, it can be quite hard to decide just where to start.
Where shall we begin?
Perhaps we can start with our own dinner plates, with our coffee cups and
drinking glasses, and arrange their energetic dimensions to transmit radiant
health and the finest, brightest energy into every piece of food, every drop of
drink that will ever be contained by them?
Perhaps we should turn to our bedding and our pillows first, and clear out all
the old and stale energies that got stuck in there with a storm of joy that
blows it all away, and when they are clean and fresh, to set their energy
dimensions to be a most delightful, soft embrace, a gentle enfolding and support
for those who sleep and rest here?
Or perhaps we should go and build a fine but strong mesh of energy across our
own front doors, so that they may remove all and any stress, negativity or
leftovers from our energy systems every time we enter our homes?
Perhaps you have things in your house that you cant throw away because there is
some energy form stuck to the object that is precious to you, and it would be
extremely helpful to free the form from the object, take it inside yourself so
you can throw the object finally out with the trash?
Perhaps a beautiful, multicoloured energetic waterfall in your sitting room
would help to keep the atmosphere there always fresh and sparkling, bright?
Or we could go into a childs room and there weave a field around the bed which
will protect the child and safe guard innocence?
We could take an old T-Shirt from our wardrobe and turning into a healing shirt,
or a beauty shirt, and we can wear it to really get a sense of what beauty sleep
or healing sleep can really do for us?.
The shower can create a rain of mercy, but of course it can also help you to
evoke a rain of joy, a rain of healing, or a rain of love. A luck shower is a
fine thing too and can do quite a bit for the unfoldments of your day.
Energy winds and energy storms can transform the oldest, saddest rooms and they
will blow all the memory forms away like autumn leaves.
Throw away that ugly rabbits foot because if we want to make a charm to bring us
luck, we can make it out of something BEAUTIFUL that really appeals to us on all
the levels, and in all ways.
The conscious mind loves to be active, and such activities as to play with the
energetic components of material objects is exactly what it was designed to do.
Have a go.
Just start somewhere in your house or in your garden.
The next time your conscious mind wants to worry about something, set it to look
around instead and reach out with your energy feelers to find out what lies
BEHIND the material facade of your carpets, your books and your colours.
If you feel like it, start with something small a table fountain perhaps of
sparkling energy in your dining room. And if you like it, and you can really
feel the benefits, then by all means go right ahead and transform your
environment completely.
Practice makes perfect!
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