Fairy Tales & Magic
An Essay about Fairy Tales & Magic by Silvia Hartmann
When we are young, we are told fairy tales - about evil witches,
mostly older women, and wishes that lead to disaster; about magic gone wrong and
full of dire warnings to not stray from the straight and narrow or else terrible
things will happen. These things sink into a young child's neurology and there
they stay, and there they sleep, and there they wait until the moment comes when
an adult might want to make a wish, but all of sudden and seemingly from
nowhere, there's fear. There's doubt. There's confusion. Bad things happen when
you make a wish ... don't trust that genie in the bottle ... magic leads to no
good in the end ... And that's a magic reversal in action, old programming that
is just the same as brain washing or cult control, but here the cult is the
Spanish Inquisition, reaching across the ages through the medium of fairy tales
and affecting people in their millions, still here and right now.
If we are seeking a new world, a better tomorrow where we are more respectful of
all of Creation and where we may live in harmony not just with the world around
us, but also with each other, we really and profoundly do need NEW FAIRY TALES.
It is not just the children who need new fairy tales, but it is at this time
especially the adults who need an antidote to the "evil witch programming" they
themselves received when they were children.
The programming of fairy tales is DEEPLY sub-conscious and it cannot be undone
by counter examples or by thinking or talking about it in every day language. It
just doesn't reach that deep; it doesn't make any changes at that level.
In order to undo the original subconscious programming of fairy tales, you need
to go back into that country, "once upon a time in a kingdom far away", and it
is THERE we need to make the changes, have new experiences, ADD NEW STORIES to
create a better balance all around.
Many women as they grow towards menopause and beyond are greatly influenced by
the negative "evil old witch" stereotypes; and that ripples back through the
timelines to the young women who don't want to grow up to be warty and evil and
eating little children, either.
Women especially do not step into their full powers of reality creation, and you
may call that what you like, until after menopause; the "evil old witch" horror
they are entrained to have await them, should they buck societal trends and
start having their own ideas of relationships, of healing, of creating a more
holistic life that is more in tune with the invisible realities that do exist
and that do pervade our every day and night, there is always that hideous face
of the wicked old witch staring at them and warning to turn back, lest they
should be ostracised and stuck on the bonfire with all the other evil witches of
the past ...
But also for men, the stereotypes of the evil magicians who go power mad in
their own solitary towers is just as damaging and just as limiting.
Personal power is what magic is all about. Taking charge of one's own life.
Talking to spirits directly and not through the medium of a paid priest. Making
choices and developing one's own future, an unknown journey through a pathless
land for a single individual, as it should be - and not the "cradle to the
grave, one size fits all" sardine factory that is prescribed for the good
citizen, no matter what society they live in or how exactly that is defined.
There is nothing to be gained for societies from frightening little children
away from personal power and magic by telling tales of magic horror.
The truth is that all societies NEED individuals who are aware, who are wise,
who have learned the limits of their own power, who are in tune with the world,
themselves and the people around them, who are creative, who contribute, who
serve and who role-model lives of splendid joy, satisfaction and achievement for
the younger generations.
The truth is further that without magic, NONE OF THIS IS POSSIBLE.
Without magic, the world is dead, life is meaningless, hard and painful, and
it's all over when we die.
Without magic, there is no legacy, no contribution, and THERE CAN BE NO CHANGE.
We need magicians.
We need witches.
We need them in every possible area of human endeavour to bring new solutions to
entrenched problems and creative, positive, proactive change.
No-one can be expected to do "clean magic" whilst they are still full of
swirling fear and old entrained terrors that were transmitted through the
stories of the past.
We do NOT want the past to be repeated.
One Spanish Inquisition was quite enough for humanity, indeed.
And so, we need NEW STORIES.
For only new stories can heal what the old stories caused to go wrong.
It is an interesting challenge, and a wonderful one.
I am hoping that soon, more will heed this call and start to write NEW stories
too, stories of hope, joy and beauty which after all is the real truth of our
enchanted, wonderful, unbelievable, endless and totally amazingly splendid
universe, and our lives within this, granted to us by the great Creative Order,
who made us all.
And in this spirit, I offer "The Golden Horse & Other Stories"
- my personal
collection of 16 brand new fairy tales for the magical child within, the part of
us that knows there's more to life than death and taxes, and who, if it will
awaken and join us here in these our incarnations, has the power to bring back
the wide eyed amazement, the unlimited creativity and absolute awestruck wonder
of our world, our life, we once knew and now, need to remember.
Silvia Hartmann
October 2007
The Golden Horse & Other Stories
16 NEW Original Fairy Tales
For The Magical Child Aged 9-99
"Bedtime Stories For The Angel Child"
Published by DragonRising Publishing, United Kingdom, 2007
To Order Here