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EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques Article:

Yellow Emperor title image

The Yellow Emperor Meets Quantum Psychology

by Silvia Hartmann

2000 Year Old Wisdom Meets Quantum Psychology
From The Yellow Emperor To EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques

The Jia Yi Ying or Systematic Classic of Acupuncture is the first textbook of this art.

Written by Huang-fu Mi in the Jin Dynasty (265-420 CE), it is composed of excerpts from the Su Wen, Ling Shu, Nan Jing, and other no longer extant Chinese medical classics, all arranged according to topics in a systematic, step-by- step manner and held together by Huang-fu Mi's comments based on his own clinical experience.

According to Professor Han Bing of the Tianjin College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, this book is the cornerstone of this art and science. Right up until contemporary times, no work has ever surpassed the Jia Yi Jing in clinical or theoretical value.

As Yang Shou-zhong has said: " . . . every great master of the past and present has expressed with deep emotion and profound understanding that, unless one immerses oneself in and bases their practice on the classics, one's medical erudition and skill cannot be sophisticated. It is the work of these great masters which provide us with the indispensable nourishment for our progress and advancement."

EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques is based on exactly these discoveries, written down over 2000 years ago by Huang Fu Mi and used across the ages by martial arts masters and their students, priests and secret societies - namely that if you control the energy flow in the body, you can control your emotions precisely and exactly.

No longer do you need to be disabled by painful emotional blockages but instead, energy runs clearly and powerfully through your systems, making you clear thinking, powerfully congruent in your thoughts and strong and healthy in your body - the mind and body functioning together with perfect clarity.

It took many hundreds of years after the Dark Ages for Western Civilisation to come to terms with the fact that the meridian and energy system is there, and that it has the most powerful effects on the body - but even more powerful effects on the mind.

As Marcus Aurelius remarked, "It is in a man's mind that empires come into being, and it is his will that creates his own future.".

Clearly, mind-body states of health, balance and focused clarity are of the essence in everything we do - be it in creating empires, or in loving someone with all our heart and without contortions, blockages, self sabotage and misery.

Tapping VS Needling

When Westerners think of "meridian based treatments", the first thing that springs to mind is Acupuncture. So effective and helpful with so many chronic maladies and diseases that even the sharpest insurance companies have cottoned on to the fact that they save a lot of money when they send their clients to an acupuncturist as opposed to putting them on long term drug treatments, Acupuncture is now entirely accepted and even highly respected and valued in the Western medical communities.

But of course, stimulating the flow of bio-electric energy through the body is by no means limited to just using small antennae of precious metals and it never was.

The Yellow Emperor already knew, 2000 years ago, of very many other ways of achieving a better flow of life energy through a person's systems - massage, yoga practises, meditation and of course, rubbing and stimulating the main meridian junction points in many different ways.

One of the easiest of all and the most effective is to "percuss" on these points - to tap them lightly as though one was making a drum ring out. The small and gentle shockwaves travel into the meridian system and there, they shake loose blockages and energise the meridian thus stimulated, making it come to life and carrying more precious energy around the system.

When that happens, people start to feel better instantly - it's like magic, they often say.

One moment, there are overwhelming feelings of fear or pain, and the next, they are simply gone and there is peace and clarity instead.

That is in stark contrast to the old fashioned ideas of medieval medicine of the Western world which holds that there is no gain without pain, that medicine must taste bitter or it won't work, and that everything has to be done the hard way, with much suffering, deprivation and misery.

Many people find it difficult, indeed, to come to terms with the purity and ease of the energy based treatments because of this; but once they have understood how useful it is, simply practically speaking, to be able to relieve stress, fear, pain and much more with a few simple taps on a few simple, well chosen points, even the most hard-line amongst them concede that this is worth knowing about.

Treating 21st Century Emotional Maladies

Many societies across the ages had few or little to do with psychological problems - this is something which has only recently become an epidemic, in the last 100 years or so.

Different lifestyles and diets, a slower pace of life and less challenges in the form of new or unnatural events and occurrences meant that for most of humanity's existence, mental health was not a particularly pressing problem.

Even so, Huang-fu Mi already commented on how treating the meridian system in very specific ways would alleviate "maladies of the mind" and thus would bring about renewal and revival for the body as well.

It was finally in the 1920's that western psychologists began to learn the ways of treating "maladies of the mind" in a totally different way, based on what Huang-fu Mi would have considered to be standard good practice of health and hygiene for mind and body.

This was developed further and in the early 1980's, the first systems of directly treating psychological problems, emotional problems, and neuro-somatic problems (illness that is caused by ongoing stress rather than by an accident or infection) with energy based therapies.

The Power Points To Health & Happiness

Luckily, there is and was a vast reservoir of practical knowledge about the meridian system, how it works and where its "power points" can be found already at hand.

The main points were tried out, and in the late 1980s, not a doctor or psychologist but a Stanford Engineer, Gary Craig, designed the first ever self help system based on the most powerful of these major meridian junction points in an entirely logical and practical fashion.

He named this system EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques - and right from the start, designed it so that one person can use this by themselves.

After all, who knows better than the individual themselves what their problems are, and who is better placed to "give the treatment" EXACTLY at the right time, at the right moment, when it is needed?

Twice The Treatment - More Than Twice The Power!

The most radical change and discovery is not that by tapping on special points, energy flows around the body better and people start to feel brighter, more at peace, heal faster and live happier lives.

Huang-fu Mi knew this 2000 years ago and a glacier corpse found that was nearly 6,000 years old with the acupuncture points for his specific illness marked out in tattoo format so he could give himself treatment when he needed it attests to that fact most profoundly.

The central difference and addition that makes what were already HIGHLY effective treatments go through a threshold and become "nearly miraculous" and quite unprecedented was the addition of INTENTION.
Everybody knows that the mind has everything to do with how a person feels, and that decides how they act, what they do and what kinds of lives they lead.

"Cheering someone up" in hospital leads to their wounds closing faster and having statistically very significantly less infections and complications. When the mind co-operates with the body, something happens that becomes more than just the sum of the parts - miracles can occur.

In EFT, we don't just lie somewhere and think of our shopping or random events whilst someone taps on us.

In EFT, we focus the mind on one particular problem and THEN we deliver the treatment - so that the treatment goes directly to that ONE problem and resolves THAT particular problem, targeted and powerfully, directly and without a doubt, at the energetic level.

This is why EFT works so powerfully and with 85% of people who try it for the first time, reliably, time and time again.

A Healing Technique Like No Other

We are used to having a little green pill for this, a little blue one for that, a couple of big white ones for the next thing - one disease, one cure.

EFT is totally different from that approach because it gives the person a structure that is applicable to *every* problem and the EFT user adds their own content, thus making every treatment exactly made to measure for that one person who is using it on their own absolutely unique problem.

Rather than forcing someone to spend a lifetime studying the meridian channels and the cause-and-effect of this and that before they can start to heal, Gary Craig used the brilliant concept of "Total Redundancy" in his design of working with the body's power points.

He took *all* the most powerful points and so, for every problem, all of them are stimulated - and so the right one(s) are always covered and it is impossible to get it wrong!

All that is required to deliver a powerful meridian based treatment to clear your own problems is to learn the 14 points of the Classic EFT Sequence - and with the help of a simple diagram that shows where they are, it takes about 10 minutes or less.

Now, to this overall clearing sequence we add our own intention and focus by saying out loud what it is that troubles us - and the powerful healing effects of the meridian treatment go to work, instantly!

A Hundred Thousand People Tapping ...

By now, more than a hundred thousand people have learned EFT and they are treating their own energy systems for their own problems - they are FREE to help themselves and help others too to relieve burdens of fear, trauma, anxiety, hatred, sadness, bereavement and chronic pain and illness.

Over a hundred thousand people are tapping.

In refugee camps in Cossovo, in AIDs clinics in Africa. In Trauma Centers in the UK and in clinics specialising in addictions, eating disorders and for sexual abuse survivors.

In the offices of the World's most famous and expensive psychotherapists; in the offices of small local healers and counsellors.

But much more importantly, as you are reading this, there are people of all walks of life, of all ages, of colours, races and sexes, children and teenagers and old folk, housewives and executives, a single lonely person in their basement flat - one person at a time, finding a whole new sense of power, of freedom and of destiny in their own ability to help themselves, by themselves, with what troubles them most.

Just The Beginning ...

But that is just the beginning.

EFT is in many ways, just a beginning. Something to show us that there is help and hope for a better future for every single one of us, regardless of who we are or what we have been through so far.

This beautiful, simple and profound self help treatment opens the door to so much more.

EFT is not called Emotional FREEDOM Techniques for nothing.

The freedom to create your own life, to break free from the chains of the past and from the cages of our own self limitations, is a gift of the most profoundest proportions and in the years to come, the world will acknowledge Gary Craig's amazing contribution in making EFT available to everyone, just for the asking.

I invite you to seriously come join this revolution - for your sake and that of your own future.

Silvia Hartmann, PhD

Author, "Adventures In EFT"

"Advanced Patterns Of EFT"

© Silvia Hartmann 2001

  • For a completely FREE Fully Functional Intrdoduction to EFT, go to http://123EFT.com

EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques

with Silvia Hartmann

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